Happy 'bout Singing the Blues &  Midnight Blues

Collectively called 'Bluebird Love'

It's Bluebird Season

They are busy nesting, and we are busy watching.

Why the Eastern Bluebird?

When I became an Eastern Bluebird landlord, and experienced those daily flashes of happy blue, I couldn't help but be inspired to create this collection.  It is offered in two color ways. 

Wait.  What is a Bluebird landlord and how do you become one?  Well, it’s pretty simple.  You put up a bird box with the specific dimensions recommended for bluebirds and then you wait for a pair of bluebirds to claim it as their own, build a nest and raise some young’uns.

At least it was that simple for me.  I’ve since learned that being a bluebird landlord can be full of mystery, heartbreak, hostile takeovers and even murder. Fortunately, I find myself in a neighborhood where the birds play relatively nice with each other

There is much to learn on the subject and if you are interested in learning more about bluebirds and becoming a landlord, Sialis.org is a great place to start.

And if you are a Michigander like me, you might want to check out the Michigan Bluebird Society.

Getting back to the collection – I first designed this collection in the greens and tans and named the collection “Happy ‘bout Singing the Blues.”  Then in creating a second colorway I settled in on the dark blue backgrounds and named this colorway “Midnight Blues.”

You will find some patterns in both colorways and sometimes a pattern shows up in only one colorway.  Not all the patterns are found in this store, so if you’d like to see the entire collection you can find it on Spoonflower. 

Notes on a few of the patterns

Bluebird Song

This first pattern was the inspiration for the entire collection. The plaid is created from an oscillogram of the Eastern bluebird’s song. (An oscillogram measures the amplitude of a sound. In this case the Eastern bluebird’s song). So in this piece, the bird and their song live together.

Pure Song

Pure Song is the Eastern Bluebird Song pattern without the bird images, thus, it is Pure Song.

Where the Food Lives

Being insect eaters they thrive on the caterpillars and insects living in the flowers.

Best of Both Worlds

Bluebirds and Flowers - the best!

There's Nothing Like a Gilwood

After becoming an Eastern Bluebird landlord, my taste in bird houses shifted dramatically.  My Blues set up home in this box as soon as it was set up, and have returned to it year after year, so I’ve become a believer.  The designer is Steve Gilbertson and you can find an interesting interview with him in this article. 


Water attracts bluebirds and they come in often for a delicate sip.  They also joyfully (well, it appears to us humans) bathe with complete abandon as they splash the water in the bird bath to nearly dry. 

Do you have bluebird questions, thoughts and/or stories?

If you'd like to share them, you can reach me here.  I love hearing from you.