About the Art


The journey

I love creating art, but found my house overflowing with framed pieces and no more room on my wall.  So I took my art digital.  One thing has led to another . . .

From digital art to patterns

To expand my digital art I took a class in surface pattern design, which taught Adobe Illustrator and how to create in collections. "Happy 'bout singing the Blues" is an example.  I found making patterns quite magical so just kept it up.




I opened a Spoonflower store to make my designs available to the public on fabric and home goods. 

 What is Spoonflower?   

It's an online print-on-demand textile company where artists can make their designs available on more than 25 different types of fabrics.  It also offers made-to-order duvet covers, sheets, pillows, curtains, table linens and even wallpapers.

What I learned on Spoonflower

It turns out that full collections of 10 to 12 designs were not all that helpful on Spoonflower.  But entering a design into their biweekly challenge was quite helpful in getting designs seen, so my design work pivoted a bit.  

The challenge themes are quite varied and are chosen by Spoonflower staff based on what they think will be trending.  They are a fun mental challenge and stretched me to try things I never would have on my own.  However, the vastly different themes have turned my Spoonflower store into a bit of a hodge-podge of designs.  The store can look a bit chaotic jumping from one design, say a raquetball court, right next to frogs sitting on red mushrooms or an abstract. Sometimes I add a few coordinating designs to round out the challenge entry into a mini-collection.  But since the artist has very little control on how their designs show up in Spoonflower, chaos it is.  (Hint:  Go to an artists "Designed Collections" for a chance of a more orderly presentation.)

What I've learned is that I enjoy designing both ways.  Sometimes the deep dive into a collection with a story, and sometimes the "simpler" challenge of a single design.


Which leads to this store . . .

. . . you will find a variety of designs on a variety of products in this store.

Being  a basic T-shirt-and-mug kind of gal, I wanted to see my designs come to life on products beyond Spoonflower's offerings.  Thus, this shop was born.  The plan is to continue adding new designs as inspired, so that when you stop back you will find something new.   

I hope the designs bring a smile to your face.  I love hearing from you, so please drop a line to say hello. You can reach here

Thanks for stopping by.

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